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Your "Italian Noodle Salad" hit me right in the "Snickers Salad" Bullseye.

There's a whole discussion about the "salads" to be found in the universe of the Northern Prairie Church Cookbooks of America now that Minnesota food is breaking the surface over here.

I have recently run across "Cream Cheese Donut Salad" (it has sliced grapes) and the Snickers salad is a popular melange of Granny Smith apples, sliced Snickers bars and Cool Whip or marshmallow fluff.

I swear I'm not punking you.

So from the fact that lots of the translations you are looking at come from people with their brains in the 19th century/early 20th - when "chicken-mayonnaise" and "chicken salad" were the same thing... of COURSE they called Laab "salad".

FWIW - My own food history poking around is telling me that any chopped mixture that is served COLD gets the salad designation. So the mixed rice dishes that were emerging were not salads. Remember the consternation and astonishment America experience at the innovation of hot dressings on cold salads!

Anyway - so much fun as always!

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